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Insights & Perspectives

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Insights & Perspectives
Indian IT-BPM: HR best practices compendium

Indian IT-BPM: HR best practices compendium

With the world of technology fast gravitating to an on-demand, in-the-cloud, decentralized, digital and sharing based landscape, the IT-BPM industry is grappling with several…

GICs in India Demonstrating leadership in the digital era

GICs in India: Demonstrating leadership in the digital era

GICs in India are a key segment in India’s IT-BPM sector with a share of one-fifth of IT-BPM exports (FY2016). India continues to be the leading location to set up GICs - ~21 per cent…

Domestic BPM Market 2016: On the Cusp of Transformation

Domestic BPM Market 2016: On the Cusp of Transformation

A decade ago, Business Process Management in the Indian market was merely an emerging concept. This segment has matured into a significant business for the industry with BFSI and…

Women ‘in’Equality-Not Anymore!: Gender Diversity & Inclusivity trends in the IT-BPM sector

Women ‘in’Equality-Not Anymore!: Gender Diversity & Inclusivity trends in the IT-BPM sector

One of the key pillars of any diversity & inclusivity project is women. Gender diversity (esp. increasing women representation in the industry workforce) is now a strategic topic…

Maternity benefits and facilitating return to work IT-BPM Industry’s Experience

Maternity benefits and facilitating return to work: IT-BPM Industry’s Experience

A major limb of an inclusive and diverse workplace movement is the drive towards creating policies that encourage more women to enter and continue to be a part of the workforce. Over…

Energy ER&D Powering ahead

Energy ER&D: Powering ahead

India’s Energy ER&D exports stood at a little over USD 1 billion in FY2015, a 6 per cent share in India’s total ER&D exports. This sector is dominated by GICs (>55 per cent…

Start-up Report - Momentous Rise of the Indian Start-up Ecosystem

Start-up Report - Momentous Rise of the Indian Start-up Ecosystem

India is fast emerging as a start-up nation. The Indian technology landscape has seen a tremendous growth towards creation of innovative startups and has emerged as the 3rd fastest…

Perspective 2025 Shaping the Digital Revolution

Perspective 2025: Shaping the Digital Revolution

Technology is changing, consumers are changing, and businesses are changing. With so many rapid changes on so many fronts, business leaders are struggling to identify which emerging…

GICs in India Emerging Centres of Excellence

GICs in India: Emerging Centres of Excellence

This report is the second part of a two-part report. While the first part gives an overview of the GIC landscape in India and the critical role they are playing in enabling digital…