
Our vision is to establish India's tech ecosystem as the world's trusted innovation partner

nasscom represents the voice of the $254 billion technology industry in India focused on making India the global hub of innovation & IT services with a promise of making technology humancentric by enabling the lives of people.

Boasting a diverse and influential community of over 3000 member companies, our network spans the entire spectrum of the industry from startups to multinationals and from products to services, Global Capability Centers to Engineering firms.

nasscom is a purpose-driven association that has partnered with the industry, government, and academia to establish India as the most trustworthy ecosystem for world-class products & services, digital talent, and impact.

About US

Strategic Imperatives


Reskill and upskill India's workforce to create a pool of future-ready talent for global needs


Maximize industry growth and impact through deep member engagement


Drive policy advocacy to build a nurturing environment for success


Develop markets to increase access for players in India and across the globe


Champion equal opportunity and diversity in everything we do

Spirit of nasscom

  • Nurturing Excellence
  • Continuously Learning
  • Maximizing Impact
  • Driving Collaboration
  • Championing Inclusion

3 Decades of creating tech impact

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$50mn – $8bn industry revenue


nasscom was established in 1988 and imbued with the ELICIT values of Excellence, Learning, Impact, Collaboration, Inclusion & Trust.

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$8bn – $95bn industry revenue

Expanded the market

From 397 members in 1995-96, our community has grown more than tenfold in 2021-23 to include over 3000 diverse voices.

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The Digital Pivot
$95bn – $185bn industry revenue

The Digital Pivot

30 years of innovation and impact have helped nasscom build a foundation for the talent and skills demanded for the future.

Arrow Up
$185bn – $250bn (FY2023E) industry revenue

Leading the Techade

Continue to accelerate the nation’s growth ambitions in its journey to Tech India@100

2020- till now
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