
Retail 4.0 India Story: Unlocking Value Through Online + Offline Collaborations


NASSCOM conducted a research on the Retail sector in India, its evolution so far, and the way forward. Through one-on-one interactions with 360+ stakeholders and secondary research, information was gathered to identify how Indian Retail is evolving through technology-led convergence and collaborations between all retail market participants. The report further analyzes the undergoing digital transformation in Retail 4.0 era and the potential benefit of Online + Offline (O+O) on market size, jobs, and nation at large, as presented in this insights compendium

Key Findings

Retail Market Size Has Increased 3x In Last Decade And Accounted For-

  • ~$800 Bn. To India’s GDP In FY 2019-20
  • 35+ Mn Employment Or 8% of Total Workforce
  • Pre-COVID, Indian Retail Evolution Spanned Three Eras Of Transformation- Retail 1.0 -Upto 1999-, Retail 2.0 -Year 2000-2006, and Retail 3.0 from 2007-2020.
Shaping Of Retail 4.0, The Offline + Online (O+O) Retail Era

  • Retail 4.0 – The “Offline + Online” (O+O) retail era will witness convergence of traditional and online channels into a digitally-enabled ecosystem
  • By 2030, Indian retail market will grow by $700 Bn in market size, reaching $1.5 trillion
  • Around 25 mn jobs will be added in the next decade
Impact Of O+O Models On Accelerated Growth Of Retail 4.0 By 2030

  • ~$640 Bn., O+O enabled sales, accounting for 90%+ of the market size addition in the retail sector
  • 12 mn additional jobs, accounting for 50% of the new job creation in the sector
  • India’s share of online-led exports globally to rise from 0.2% in 2020 to 8.9%
  • O+O to account for 37% of retail sector’s total tax contribution
Key Challenges And Policy Recommendations

  • Building technological awareness in traditional retailers, smoothening supply chain cash cycles, introducing operating standards, and establishing equitable norms
  • O+O requires coming together of policy makers, traditional and online retail entities and supporting sectors such as financial entities to further grow the opportunity presented

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