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Insights & Perspectives

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Insights & Perspectives
Rights of Persons with Disabilities Act, 2016 – An Overview

Rights of Persons with Disabilities Act, 2016 – An Overview

Compared to the PWD Act, the current RPD Act strengthens the regulatory, monitoring, and grievance redressal mechanisms in terms of their functions and composition. It also stipulates…

Employers Guide to Combatting Harassment at the Workplace

Employers Guide to Combatting Harassment at the Workplace

Harassment at the workplace could take different forms – verbal, non-verbal, physical, sexual, cyberbullying (trolling, sexting), etc. It has negative impact on both the employee (…

Disability Etiquette Guide

An estimated one billion or 15% of the world’s population experience some form of disability or the other. About 26.8 million people with disabilities live in India alone. 13.4 million…

Women and IT Scorecard – India

Women and IT Scorecard – India

Diversity in the technology industry workforce worldwide has been a topic of deliberation for a long while. Numerous reports suggest that the ratio of women opting for STEM courses in…

Making Diversity Work: Key Trends And Practices In The Indian IT-BPM Industry

Making Diversity Work: Key Trends And Practices In The Indian IT-BPM Industry

India’s IT-BPM workforce is becoming increasingly diverse—in terms of socio-economic, linguistic, multinational and regional backgrounds. The Indian IT-BPM industry has seen the number…

The TransfoHRmation Agenda

The TransfoHRmation Agenda

Over the past four decades, the IT-BPM industry has come a long way. From cost arbitrage, collaboration and value addition, the focus has now changed for organizations to deliver…

Technology Shifts and Workforce Priorities

Technology Shifts and Workforce Priorities

The next decade is going to be defined by the changing nature of work and therefore the changing nature of jobs. As global spend on digitisation increases, automation of work is set of…

IoT in India - The Next Big Wave

IoT in India - The Next Big Wave

Increased penetration of affordable devices, combined with cloud computing, analytics and rising consumer expectations is driving the rapid growth of the IOT market. This report…

The future of Internet in India

The future of Internet in India

India is truly set to add its own flavour to the Internet and make it an engine for socio-economic growth. And the proof is in the numbers. As of 2015, India had ~330 million internet…