Understanding how to obtain the maximum benefit from Artificial Intelligence and cognitive technologies requires careful analysis of an organization’s processes, its data, its talent model, and its market. Use of cognitive technologies is not viable everywhere, nor is it valuable everywhere. In some areas, it will become vital. We think the greatest advantage of cognitive technologies is its potential to create value, going beyond cost optimization. And we believe that for most organizations and most applications, cognitive technologies will restructure work and make it more efficient, perhaps restraining the growth of jobs in certain areas, but creating jobs in newer areas.
The current whitepaper in collaboration with Deloitte tries to cover business use cases of AI across industries and throw some light on key AI tools and technologies.
Artificial Intelligence: Next “bold play” Artificial intelligence is defined as “the theory and development of computer systems able to perform tasks that normally require human intelligence, such as visual perception, speech recognition, decision-making, and translation between languages.”
Enhancing products or services, automating internal processes, and discovering patterns to make predictions are 3 key business value propositions that AI offers
Key AI technologies and methodologies include Machine Learning, Natural Language Processing, Speech Recognition, Computer Vision, and Robotics
Key benefits of AI include – Decreased cycle times, improved accuracy, detailed data capture, improved productivity, and reduced operational cost