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Cyber Security: Are digital doors still open?

Security is becoming a rapidly evolving and complex issue that various organizations are contending with today. It continues to be one of the most pressing challenges faced by Chief Information Officers (CIOs) and Chief Information Security Officers (CISOs) today. With the increasing impact of social media, smart devices and mobility, organizations are becoming more vulnerable to fraud and privacy breaches. Globally, security has risen to be one of the top concerns in almost all areas from defense, corporate organization, smart cities, etc.

The current whitepaper in collaboration with Deloitte tries to cover key trends leading to increased interest on cyber security and suggest considerations and skills required to build an effective cyber security strategy.

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Key Findings


  • Cyber Security vision, benchmark with competition and countries, and collaboration key for an effective Cyber Security Strategy

  • BYOD, Cloud Computing, Mobile Apps and Payments, and Social Media leading to increased focus on Cyber Security

  • Security, Data & Analytics, Cloud Computing, Network  Architecture, and Hardware knowhow key Cyber Security skills

this report

  • Regular Price: Free
  • Member Price: Free

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