
India Patents Report Innovations from India: Transcending Barriers


This report provides an understanding of the patent landscape filed by India domiciled* companies in the US. The report focuses on detailed analysis of the technology patents including their assignee type, legal status, application areas, tech focus - computer and communication technology or emerging technologies.

Key Findings

Thrust on IP Creation continues, with technology patents maintaining the majority share

  • Over 9,500 patents were filed in the US by India domiciled companies during the period 2015 -2021, an increase of over 40% from 2015-2019
  • More than 65% of the total patents filed in the US in 2020/21 by India domiciled companies were in the technology domain, as compared to 55% in 2019
  • 45% of the technology patents filed have been granted Share of emerging technologies continues to grow in technology patents
  • Over 50% of the patents filed during 2015-2021 were related to emerging technologies
  • AI patents more than doubled in the period 2015-2021 compared to 2015-19
Indian companies continue to lead the diverse set of tech patent assignees, while software applications continue to be the major focus area

  • 60% + of the technology patents were filed by Indian companies and start-ups
  • 16.7% of the technology patents were filed by Individual inventors/ Academia Research which witnessed the highest growth
  • 21% of the technology patents were related to Software Applications and Healthcare and Medical Devices, the leading segments
  • 400+ technology patents were filed by Indian start-ups during 2015-2021, an increase of ~45% from 280 patents in 2015-2019 period
Government Initiatives to boost IP Creation

  • Centre of Excellences in IP
  • Providing financial support for international patent filing
  • Providing IP facilitation support
  • Raising IPR awareness
  • Providing help-desk services for IPR
  • Creation of IPR awareness through digital media
  • Scheme to facilitate start-ups Intellectual Property Protection
  • MSMENational Manufacturing Competitiveness Programme
Recommendations for Indian Inventors and Filing Entities

  • First to File –Secure the Date First
  • Plan it Right–Tradeoff b/w early priority and product development
  • Leveraging IP knowledge forimprovingproducts
  • File Quality Patents –Claims that withstand its ground during litigation

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