
AI Patents – Driving Emergence of India as an AI Innovation Hub


This report provides an understanding of the patent landscape of Artificial Intelligence (AI) Patents filed in India. Including the key trends across number of patents, assignees and application areas.

Key Findings

Focus on Innovation Accelerated During the Pandemic

  • International patent filing grew 4% 2020
  • More than 70% of the technology patents filed in India relate to one or more emerging technologies domains
  • AI accounts for 6% of all emerging tech patents in India

Innovation in AI has gained significant traction over the last decade:

  • India is ranked 8th in terms of AI patent filing 
  • India is ranked 4th in terms of AI research papers
AI Patent Filing in India – Key Trends

  • Over 5,000 AI patents filed over the last decade in India- 94% of them filed in last 5 years
  • 60%+ of patents filed originated in India
  • Consumer Electronics/ Personal Computing Devices and Healthcare were leading vertical focus areas
  • With 93% share, Machine Learning was the most popular AI technique; Computer Vision with a share of 36% was the leading functional area
  • Among assignees, Technology sector leads AI patents with a share of 47%*
  • 63% of granted patents granted belonged to MNCs

  • AI patent filings in India will maintain an upward trajectory driven by:
    • Growing Importance of Patent Filing
    • Protecting Intellectual Property
  • The filing will continue across diverse application areas

  • Coalition of stakeholders to mentor and support start-ups and small companies
  • Building awareness on importance of patent filing
  • Curb inefficiencies in patent examination process

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