
Emerging Technologies: Leading the Technology IP Creation Bandwagon for India


This report provides an understanding of the patent landscape of Indian companies in the US by studying the patents filed by companies domiciled* in India across domain areas with a deep dive on technology patents

Key Findings

Thrust on IP creation magnifies:

~ 6500 patents were filed in the US by India domiciled companies during the period 2015 -2019, an increase of over 40% over from 2015-2018

Technology patents continue to show majority:

  • The share of technology patents in total patents filed in the US increased to ~60% in 2015-2019, a gain of 10% in the share over 2015
  • ~50% of the technology patents filed have been granted
Indian companies continue to lead the diverse set of Assignee

  • Indian companies and start-ups filed over 60% of the technology patents
  • While international companies accounted for 23%;
  • Research and academic institutes and independent inventors accounted for the balance
The share of emerging technologies continue to grow in technology patents to reach ~60% in 2018/19

  • Artificial Intelligence accounted for majority number of patents while Cloud Computing took the top spot in terms of growth

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