
Future of Workforce: Decoding the Gig Workforce 2.0


This report is an extensive study to understand the gig workforce landscape in the technology sector, current and future trends and how the gig workforce is emerging as one of the levers for us to address the tech talent demand and supply gap

Key Findings

Gig Workforce Engagement Models Maturing in India

  • Two-third of the organizations are now employing gig workers,  a higher share compared to 57%  organizations in 2020 
  • 65% organizations in the survey highlighted gig workforce proportion to total workforce remains < 5%, while  for smaller organizations with < 2000  FTEs gig worker proportion  is >5%
Top Demand Drivers and Skills

  • Top Drivers – Specialized Skills, Employee Demand Elasticity, Cost Optimization 
  • Focus on specialized skills pushing organizations to move towards gig for technology roles which traditionally were restricted to HR and support functions 
  • Top Gig Tech Skills – Software Development, Data Analytics, UI/UX Design 
Top Ways Gig Creating Impact

  • 24% respondents highlighted increased efficiency in completion of Tasks 
  • 24% respondents highlighted reduced time to hire 
  • 19% respondents highlighted ability to attract diverse talent 

  • Industry: Formulate structured policies for gig; Encourage retired and women folks to join as gig; Use technology to solve for security concerns; Nurture an inclusive culture 
  • Gig Workers: Invest in upskilling; Utilize online gig platforms; Follow highest standards of business ethics and data security 
  • External Gig Platforms: Verify credentials; Encourage retired and women folks to join the portal 

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