
Future of Work - Implications for India Tech Industry - June 2022


The report highlights the challenges that the new future of work paradigm is likely to engender and identifies the four key dimensions that require immediate attention from leadership. These four key dimensions have been further divided into thirteen themes that will enable leaders to take an intentional and holistic approach towards designing an organization that is geared to thrive in the ‘Future of Work’.

Key Findings

Hybrid work models are defining the future of work

  • The Tech industry is on the cusp of another evolution, with shaping the future of work becoming a new leadership imperative  
  • Employees are comfortable with a hybrid working model; ~70% of Tech services buyers are comfortable with hybrid models; Both employees and employers are looking forward to hybrid work model
  • The future of work helps solve for traditional constraints, but it also introduces new challenges that needs to be actively solved
Leaders need to answer key questions in the journey to future work models

  • Leaders need to take an intentional and holistic approach across four dimensions when designing the Future of Work
  • Answer key questions:
    • How we work?  
    • How we lead?  
    • How we organize?
    • What we Need?


What lies ahead?

  • Organizations are rolling out a Hybrid work model as they start calling employees back to work.
  • Organizations need to build their value proposition around three fundamental pillars – Access to Talent; Variabilization of Delivery; Operational Resilience
  • Big bang approach not feasible, journey to be undertaken in modular steps with “fail-fastlearn” approach

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