
Engineering Pulse Survey 2020 - Digital Transformation, the 2021 imperative


As COVID-19 pandemic disrupted businesses and as firms struggled for demand visibility in extremely uncertain environment, a need was felt to understand how B2B and B2C preferences and their businesses were changing. The crisis also fast-tracked the Digital Transformation agenda of customers.

We launched this Voice of the Customer initiative - aimed at getting insights of impact of COVID-19 on business, anticipated recovery period, understand trends in investments & ER&D budgets and the impact therefore on ER&D players.

We also wanted to gauge customers’ perception of how well India’s ER&D ecosystem performed during the crisis and the expectations for the future.

We expect the findings to help ER&D players to chart their medium to long term roadmap in response to these market forces.

Key Findings


  • Return to business as usual expected over next 2 years
  • ~40% firms indicate budget cuts of 20%+

  • 40%+ enterprises indicate no change in their sourcing strategy
  • 33% prioritizing few initiatives for in-house development

  • Drive customers’ innovation & digital transformation agenda
  • Ensure business continuity, manage risks & drive scale

  • ER&D budget recovery to be faster vis-à-vis business recovery
  • 65%+ firms highly satisfied with how ESPs helped during pandemic
  • 90%+ planning to maintain or ramp up investment plan for GCCs

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