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Employers Guide to Combatting Harassment at the Workplace

Harassment at the workplace could take different forms – verbal, non-verbal, physical, sexual, cyberbullying (trolling, sexting), etc. It has negative impact on both the employee (depression, stress, health issues, etc.) and the organization itself (hostile work environment, low productivity and effectiveness, etc.).

To highlight this issue, to present the legal framework against harassment and create awareness of various anti-harassment policies and redressal mechanisms, NASSCOM partnered with Interweave, a and AZB & Partners, to put together the “Employers Guide to Combatting Harassment at the Workplace”.

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Key Findings


Organisations should have zero tolerance towards any form of discrimination and robust anti-disciplinary policies should be adopted and implemented.


This gives the fundamental right to all citizens to practice any profession, or to carry on any occupation, trade or business. This right pre-supposes the availability of an enabling work environment.


The POSH Act details the rules and responsibilities of the employer including a safe workplace and Internal Complaints Committee.


The role of leadership in building and sustaining a fair and equitable work culture is important. Leaders are visible champions of inclusion and lead the effort from the front.

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