
Making Diversity Work: Key Trends And Practices In The Indian IT-BPM Industry


India’s IT-BPM workforce is becoming increasingly diverse—in terms of socio-economic, linguistic, multinational and regional backgrounds. The Indian IT-BPM industry has seen the number of women employed increase to over 1.3 million, which is more than a third of the total workforce. Women constitute more than half of the current entry-level hires. Over the last few years, the industry has also been actively pursuing inclusion of persons with disabilities (PwDs) as well as encouraging an overall inclusive work culture.

This report highlights the emerging trends of D&I that IT-BPM organisations have adopted in India. A further value add is detailed case studies of some of the organisations.

Key Findings

The Policy Imperatives:

Organisations are flexing the flexibility muscles: Moving beyond women, flexible working policies, work-life balance, etc.

Moving Forward

Industry moves towards segmented, targeted and ‘hyper-specialised’ D&I initiatives.

Broadbasing Inclusion

Organisations increasingly focusing on PwDs - The next growth steps.

Building leaders

Focus on gender diversity shifts from executive to middle-management level. The D&I agenda is being driven from the top management.

Key Findings 5

Organisations are flexing the flexibility muscles: Moving beyond women, flexible working policies, work-life balance, etc.

Key Findings 6

The D&I agenda is being driven from the top management

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