
Sustainability Playbook for the Tech Industry


The report gives a Sustainability Pathway which is a practical framework that a Tech company can use as a guide to systemically drive decarbonization, energy-efficiency, water conservation, and waste management practices in its operational footprint. It also has a playbook which provides recommendatory suggestions. The pathway has a four-stage journey and highlights what organizations’ key priorities across the four dimensions of Leadership, Integration, Measurement and Communication.

Key Findings

STAGE 1: Getting the Basics Right

  • Sustainability Trigger - The C-Suite sets the sustainability agenda and the top management commitment is amplified with visible actions.
  • Materiality & Quick Wins - Identify the sustainability themes that matter to stakeholders, and then execute simple, impactful initiatives.
  • Level Setting - Assess the current state of sustainability, often administered by a third party via a self-assessment questionnaire.
  • Early Experience - Strong communication to convey the company’s strong intent as it starts its journey.
STAGE 2: Strengthening the Core

  • Sustainability Commit - The company's leaders need to commit to financial and people resources.
  • Embed in Organization - Do a deep dive to identify levers that can be used to drive impactful initiatives towards sustainability.
  • Sustainability Fact Sheet - Goal should be to externally publish a fact sheet on sustainability activities (with quantitative data).
  • Successes & Learnings - Communicate extensively with key stakeholder on the overall sustainability experience.
STAGE 3: Enhancing the Core

  • Sustainability Flourish - Clear governance structure on sustainability with a board-level ESG Committee.
  • Influence Value Chain - Focus on Scope 3 emissions and the upstream value chain (suppliers).
  • Sustainability Disclosures - Work towards publishing their Sustainability Disclosures
  • Commitments & Targets – Communicate targets and commitments on sustainability to stakeholders.
STAGE 4: Beyond the Core

  • Sustainability Stewardship - Display sustainability stewardship with the intent to influence extended networks/ecosystems to accelerate positive change.
  • Influence Ecosystems - Exhibits sustainability thought leadership.
  • Sustainability Ratings - Aspire to be recognized and ranked in the top percentile in the ESG/Sustainability ratings
  • Influence & Recognition - Corporate communication should consistently showcase path-breaking initiatives and innovation in sustainability

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