


Analysis of Indian IT-BPM industry performance during the quarter ending December 2020. This analysis is based on the quarterly results declared by the top listed India-centric IT-BPM companies which comprise over 46% of the industry.

Key Findings

Global Economy

  • Global growth expectations recovered the growth trajectory for 2021 as vaccine approvals strengths the hope for turnaround despite the pandemic
IT-BPM Industry Performance

  • Revenue maintained a positive growth, increasing 4.1 percent Q-o-Q, as the demand continued to recover. Y-o-Y growth also resumed this quarter
Performance by Regions and Verticals

  • All regions registered a growth in revenues sequentially as well as on Y-o-Y basis. All verticals registered sequential growth, while all verticals except Telecom growing on a Y-o-Y basis as well
Other Operational Metrics

Fixed price revenue share increased at 57.2 percent; Client metrics continued to improve in line with the demand recovery

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