
The IT-BPM Sector in India 2018: Amplify Digital


Our flagship report analyses the IT-BPM industry by segments, verticals and markets. Building on the theme of “Amplify Digital”, the report covers details about the changing industry landscape due to digitization and disruptive technologies, how the industry is re-inventing itself to become the most sought after “Digital Solutions Partner” for enterprises in India and across the globe, and the state of adoption of digital technologies by enterprises in India.  Details covered include key insights, trends and statistics that shaped the industry during the year.

Key Findings

Global IT-BPM industry

  • In 2017, global IT-BPM industry stood at USD 1.3 trillion (excl. hardware) showing a growth of 4.3% over 2016
  • Global sourcing growth outperformed global IT-BPM spend growth in 2017, global sourcing grew 1.4X to reach USD 185-190 billion
Indian IT-BPM industry

  • India’s IT-BPM industry is set to grow ~8% in FY2018 – from USD 154 billion in FY2017 to USD 167 billion (excl. eCommerce), an addition of USD 12 billion
  • The industry continues to be a net hirer, adding 105,000 people in FY2018. The industry strength today stands at 3.97 million
Digital Economy

  • India is on track to be a Trillion Dollar Digital Economy backed by government’s collaborative approach to encourage private sector participation
  • Increasing access to internet in both urban as well as rural areas, ambitious e-governance projects, continued focus on skill development and growing digital transactions key growth indicators
India as a ‘Digital Solutions Partner’

  • India a hotbed for digital innovation with a rich ecosystem of start-ups, tech providers, and service providers engaging in global delivery and investing in digital IP, solutions, and CoEs
  • India based digital providers creating impact by targeted investments across people, process, technology
  • India, a leading destination for delivery of digital services with 70-75% of global digitally involved FTEs based out of India

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