
The IT-BPM Industry in India 2017: Strategic Review


Digital, Automation, BPM, Engineering, Domestic, IOT, Analytics, Cybersecurity, Talent, Business Models, Future

India’s IT-BPM industry is projected to grow ~8% in FY2017 to USD 154 billion. In light of the very disruptive emerging technologies, the industry is re-imagining itself to become the Digital Solutions Partner for the world.

This report analyses the IT-BPM market size by segments (IT services, BPM, ER&D, Software Products and eCommerce). More importantly, the report traces India’s digital journey both from the user perspective (how firms in India are digitally transforming themselves) and provider’s angle (how technology firms are building their own capabilities and infrastructure to enable this transformation. Packed with numerical information and a variety of case studies to substantiate each point, Strategic Review 2017 is a must have, must read report for all.

Separate Sector Reports are also available for IT Services, Business Process Management, Engineering R&D, Products and Startups, India’s Digital Journey.

Key Findings

Global Technology and Services Industry

2016 revenues stood at USD 1.2 trillion, a 4% growth over previous fiscal.

Indian IT-BPM Industry

Grew by 8% to aggregate revenues of USD 154 billion in FY 2017; revenues relate to 7.7% of India’s GDP.

Digital Solutions Partner

Providers in India investing in internal capabilities – skills, technology, IP, CoE and collaboration to build digital capabilities.

Domestic Market in India

Grew by 8.5% to reach UD 38 billion in FY 2017. Digital India and consumerization of technology key drivers.

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