
Strategic Review 2016-The IT-BPM Sector in India


India’s IT-BPM industry is projected to grow 8.5 per cent in FY2016 – from USD 132 billion in FY2015 to USD 143 billion (excl. eCommerce), an addition of USD 11 billion. The aggregate growth rate has been affected due to the dollars’ strengthening against the rupee bringing down domestic market growth to about 3.2 per cent. Share in total service exports is estimated at >45 per cent and the industry’s contribution relative to India’s GDP is >9.3 per cent. Overall, the industry is estimated to employ nearly 3.7 million people, an addition of ~200,000 people. Industry landscape comprises >16,000 firms. India is also maturing to become the Silicon Valley of the developing world with >4,200 start-ups – 3rd largest start-up community in the world.

Key Findings

Key Findings 1

IT services segment (USD 61 billion) has a 52 per cent share, followed by BPM at USD 24 billion (20 per cent)

Key Findings 2

ER&D and packaged software is a USD 22 billion market (19 per cent).

Key Findings 3

eCommerce market is estimated at USD 16.7 billion, a 19 per cent growth over FY2014.

Key Findings 4

By 2020, India’s IT-BPM sector total revenue is projected to reach USD 200-.

Key Findings 5

225 and between USD 350-400 billion by 2025.

Key Findings 6

Revenue from digital technologies is likely to have a 23 per cent share by 2020 and >38 per cent by 2025.

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