
India’s Journey to A Tech Talent Nation- A ‘Skills First’ Approach


The study based on ‘nasscom Digital Skills survey’ covers the pervasiveness of digital skilling in the Indian Technology Industry, providing insights into the leading practices of organizations in strengthening their talent pool in digital technologies, learning platforms utilized, academic partnerships built along with success stories

Key Findings

Digital Skilling Trends in India

  • Indian organizations are aggressively pursuing Digital Skilling, with 52% of the organizations spending over 60-100 hours a year on digital learning.
  • The shelf life of digital skills has reduced to 5 years, and 2.5 years for some technologies, requiring organizations to adopt agile approaches to digital skilling and fulfilling the talent gap.
Harnessing Learning Platforms for Digital Proficiency

  • 80% of respondents indicated that they rely on Internal Platforms for Foundational Digital Skilling, while they prefer External Platforms for Expert Digital Skilling.
  • A wide-spread use of Data-driven platforms, and platforms that offer AI-Based personalization and Gamification features is observed across Indian Organizations. These features help to increase learning engagement and enable a continuous Digital Skilling environment.
Academic Partnerships for Digital Skilling

  • 63% organizations indicated having an academic partnership for digital skilling.
  • Top Trending skills for Expert level focused skilling under these academic partnerships are Data Analytics & Visualization, Cloud Computing, IOT, Big data, Blockchain and Cybersecurity
Digital Skilling for All: A CSR Perspective

  • Digital Skilling in the realm of CSR is a steadily growing activity for the Indian Technology Industry
  • 60% of organizations indicated that employees spend up to 40 hours in a year in Digital Skilling CSR.

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