
#India Trends 2018: Trends Shaping Digital India


Data-driven insights, digital tech and ubiquitous mobile computing is changing the Indian landscape like no other. This report provides rich insights on the top 10 trends that are yet unfolding in varying degrees. It tries to understand the trends that are shaping India, as seen from the eyes of its new-age entrepreneurs. The report aims to highlight significant internet-driven developments that could impact companies operating in the digital space in the coming year

Key Findings

Digital’s future lies in the Indian language internet users

  • A gamut of factors are driving the adoption of Indian languages on digital platforms foremost being rising smartphone and internet penetration
  • Conducive government policies have been a beacon of change
  • A number of categories have witnessed growth including news and entertainment, e-tailing and digital payments
Rise of social and content based commerce

  • Social commerce has created a space for itself in the global arena by leveraging technology to build a virtual platform for conducting community-based commerce
  • Brands are likely to create engagement with consumers by leveraging on content and community
  • The increasing online presence of Indian businesses is expected to directly create opportunities in the domain of social commerce.
Ecosystem creation by internet business players to increase monetisation avenues

  • e-businesses in India are creating altogether a new virtual economy with significant growth potential catering to buyers as well as sellers
  • Growing internet penetration with increased use of smartphones  has led e-businesses to expand to provide a single platform for various services, resulting in the rise of online shoppers
Emergence of ‘alternate commerce’

  • ‘Alternate commerce’, a combination of omnichannel model and assisted commerce, is poised to become a key enabler to drive sales for the Indian retailers
  • Rise in start-ups offering assisted commerce services
  • Established brands investing in assisted commerce trough exclusive partnerships

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