
GCC Value Proposition for India


GCCs have a rich developmental history built across the past two and a half decades of their existence in India. India is home to 1300+ GCC organizations, employing more than 1.3 million in workforce and contributing US$33.8 billion (in USD) in gross revenue, as of FY 2020. NASSCOM and Deloitte collaborated to unearth the impact story of GCCs in India, with the aim to highlight the value addition generated by this sector across six core dimensions—economic, human capital development, innovation and ecosystem nurturing, social progress, environmental sustainability, and reputational positioning.

Key Findings

GCC sector growth snapshot

  • Between 2015 and 2020, GCCs reported 75% growth in employment, from 7,50,000+ to 1.3+ million
  • 20% of the growth in number of centers, from 1000+ in 2015 to 1,300+ in 2020 came from new organisations
  • Revenues grew by 11% CAGR during 2015-2020 to US$ 33.8 billion by FY 2020
Impact of GCCs on India’s economy and ecosystem

  • GCCs make considerable holistic impact across economic, human capital, innovation and ecosystem, social, environmental, and reputational dimensions to India and the local community and ecosystem
  • Direct, indirect, and induced impact of GCCs in India has been strong – gross output ranging between US$ 99-103 billion, with US$5.4–5.6 billion paid in taxes, and employment for 5.2–5.5 million people generated as of FY 2020
Growth potential for the GCC sector

  • GCCs have multiple growth avenues shaping up that suggest accelerated growth in the next 5-6 years
  • Existing GCCs plan to scale by building and delivering capabilities across digital needs for the global firm
  • New GCCs are entering India with a higher value proposition of build R&D and niche capabilities in cutting edge technologies
Key recommendations to drive GCC growth

  • Policies on business benefits, transfer pricing, and IP protection
  • Incentives and IP creation mechanisms to boost local R&D and innovation for glocal use
  • Meeting evolving talent requirements to enable industry-ready talent trained on new/emerging skills and capabilities
  • Steps for accelerated and sustainable infrastructure development for re-attracting innovation talent into India

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