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Defining the Digital Enterprise

Today's business and technology environment is characterized by rapid and consistent disruption, and enterprises need to turbocharge their digital transformation to stay competitive. However, there are different lenses for them to imagine their end state digital enterprise.

Most stakeholders across industries have different definitions of what constitutes a “Digital Enterprise”, leading to confusion about the term itself.

NASSCOM and Avasant have collaboratively developed a report to help develop a holistic definition and also created a framework that can act as an aspirational guide for enterprises on their digital transformation journey.

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Key Findings


  • 50% of companies have established CDOs in their leadership teams to formulate multiple elements of the digital strategy
  • Digitally mature enterprises have set up Central Digital Teams with cross functional skills (IT, analytics, customer service) for digital projects

  • Digitally mature firms are using non-traditional metrics such as adoption of new operating model, number of new offerings/products/services, and the share of the revenue from the new offering, etc.

  • ~80% of enterprises have already adopted cloud, social media, and cybersecurity. Technologies such as IoT, RPA, and AI are still at the evaluation stage; Immersive Reality is yet to reach sufficient maturity
  • ~56% of current digital projects have already converged analytics, AI, IoT, and RPA, signifying that these have reached sufficient individual maturity and acceptance

  • To keep pace in the digital age, executive teams need to look at 12 practices across 5 categories - digital strategy & leadership, capabilities, technology, execution, and monitoring

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