
INDIAN TECH START-UP ECOSYSTEM 2018: Approaching Escape Velocity


The fourth edition of the NASSCOM-Zinnov report titled “Indian Start-up Ecosystem 2018: Approaching Escape Velocity” is a compilation of facts, trends, and insights on the Indian Tech Start-up landscape. The report examines the evolution of the ecosystem, its growth drivers, and highlights the role played by investors, incubators/ accelerators, and the Government.

Key Findings

Start-up Landscape

  • 7200-7700 Start-ups  incepted during 2013-18; overall base growing at 12-15%
  • 1200+ Start-ups added in 2018
  • 8 Start-ups become Unicorns in 2018; highest addition in a single calendar year ever!!!
Funding and M&A Trends

  • USD 4.3 Bn funding received by Start-ups in 2018 (Jan-Sep); more than 100% YoY growth
  • USD 9.4 Mn average funding per deal (144% increase over 2017); Seed stage funding further down by 21%
  • 70+ M&As; 15% increase from 2017
Start-up Ecosystem Enablers

  • 210+ active Accelerators/Incubators; 11% increase compared to 2017
  • 35+ Corporate Incubators/Accelerators incepted in the last 3 years
  • 14+ active International Start-up Exchange missions
Vertical/Technology Insights

  • Enterprise Software, FinTech, and HealthTech leading verticals; comprise 50% of total Start-ups
  • Advanced Tech Start-ups grew over 50% in last year alone
  • Data Analytics, Artificial Intelligence and IoTStart-ups are witnessing fastest adoption across Industry verticals

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