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IoT Adoption in Indian Agriculture: A 2020 Landscape

Agriculture is a core pillar of India's economy, along with services and manufacturing, having contributed 16% to the national GDP and USD 420+ billion in GVA in 2019. Yet Indian agriculture suffers from the paradox of having to produce more with shrinking and costlier inputs, resulting in one of the lowest farm incomes. NASSCOM and Cisco collaborated on a study of the Agri value chain to discover the extent of IoT-led technology adoption. The study employs a uniquely created IoT Adoption Index to assess current gaps and potential opportunities with IoT-led digital transformation of Indian agriculture.

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Key Findings


  • India continues to be a dominant agrarian economy with a 16% Agri-to-GDP ratio, and record USD 421 bn. GVA in FY 2020
  • Sector’s input costs at 63% of market price, and low mechanization have led to lowest farmer income growth in 2019-20, declining by 50% over a decade

  • Productivity and profitability are the twin challenges facing Indian agriculture
  • Globally, farm mechanization and IoT adoption have led to significant improvements in yields and incomes
  • IoT-led connected agriculture is estimated to grow 3X by 2025, globally

  • IoT adoption index calculated across pre-harvest and post-harvest agri value chain shows very nascent adoption, between 27-37%
  • 3X drop is noted between knowing about technology and actually adopting it in the field
  • Most use cases are of basic nature, although those who deploy IoT report major benefits with real-time data insights

  • Role of governments, agri enterprises, tech solution providers, and agritech startups will be key to bringing at-scale digitization
  • Investments in R&D, education, supporting infrastructure, as well as, in open stack technology architecture will be important
  • Digital tech, such as AI/ML, analytics, Big Data, will be important in realizing smart, farm2market solutions

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