
IoT in India - The Next Big Wave


Increased penetration of affordable devices, combined with cloud computing, analytics and rising consumer expectations is driving the rapid growth of the IOT market. This report presents a detailed overview of the IoT products landscape in India and discusses key business and technology trends, drivers, and enabling ecosystem for IoT and its sub segments.

The report also highlights and profiles cutting edge IoT solutions and products developed by ~94 Indian firms. The landscape is catering to both Industrial IOT and Consumer IOT.

Key Findings

The Opportunity

The IoT market in India is poised to reach USD 15 billion by 2020, accounting for nearly 5 per cent of the total global market.

Startup Hub

With nearly 120 firms offering solutions in the IoT segment, there are tremendous opportunities for further growth.

Niche Segments

Smart lifestyle, connected homes and buildings and embedded homes are emerging segments; Healthcare and manufacturing are the leading verticals demanding IoT solutions.

Investments Increasing

Investors showing keen interest in start-ups with cumulative investment of around >USD 60 million since 2014. Top 4 areas of IoT funding: lifestyle/wearables, embedded computing, industrial internet, connected homes.

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