
Uncovering the True Value of AI - Executive AI Playbook for Enterprises


Artificial Intelligence (AI) is recognized and adopted by many organizations as a powerful solution. However, it is yet to be fully exploited. AI - based systems could act as an accelerator for organizations to replicate and scale human attributes like pattern recognition, learning and problem solving effectively and economically for solving complex business challenges. AI can also synergize and accelerate several traditional approaches to business and drive genesis of new business models.

This Executive AI Playbook offers a thorough view of how to sense opportunities, measure organizations’ readiness and capabilities for AI inception and finally how to execute AI priorities in an organization through a modular strategy.

Key Findings

Growing importance of AI

  • Worldwide spending on artificial intelligence systems is forecasted to reach $35.8 billion by the end of 2019, up 44% from last year
  • It is important to understand how AI leaders are utilizing AI for achieving better speed, productivity and accuracy of an array of customer-focused services and internal processes & systems
Sensing opportunities

  • Understand the importance of AI in the disruptive world and its evolution from being a rule driven system to self-learning system
  • Detailed analogy on how to sense the market considering competitor dynamics, regulations, customer and supply dynamics
Measuring capabilities

  • A framework to assess the AI maturity (Laggard, Investigating, Expanding, Mature) of an organization covering aspects such as Strategy, IT Infrastructure, Data management, Leadership, Talent, Ethics and Risk
Executing AI priorities

  • Define a vision considering gaps and capabilities and create a modular AI strategy to execute the vision Execution AI strategy through four stages: Articulate, Understand and Define, Build and Refine, Pilot and Scale

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