
Secure in India 2020: GCC At the Forefront of Managing Global Digital Risks


DSCI, in partnership with NASSCOM and KPMG, has developed the 2020 edition of the report ‘Secure in India’ to showcase the footprint of cybersecurity capabilities across the global capability centers (GCCs) in India. This study is the 2nd edition, a follow-up from the initial study launched in 2018. This edition of “Secure in India 2020: GCC At the Forefront of Managing Global Digital Risks” is aimed at showcasing India as the destination for global corporations to setup and expand their Cyber GCCs.

Key Findings

Global organisations continue to invest in cyber GCCs to address their cybersecurity and digital risk agenda

  • •    Number of cyber GCCs has increased by 30 per cent since 2018.
  • •    About 71 per cent of cyber GCCs have their leadership reporting to global heads in parent organization
  • •    About 16 per cent of cyber GCCs have more than half of their global cybersecurity staff based out of India.
  • •    More than 40 per cent of cyber GCCs deliver part of all cybersecurity functions from India
Cybersecurity skills availability continued to be the top driver for cyber GCCs’ success story

  • About 41 per cent of cyber GCCs have global cybersecurity teams report to the GCC cyber leadership
  • Maximum increase in skill demand in cyber GCCs was noted for cloud security (80 per cent), followed by cybersecurity product management and automation, cyber risk assessments, secure development, cybersecurity operations, cyber resilience, and emerging technology risk management
  • 88 per cent of cyber GCCs believe in diversity as an important agenda
Systemic focus on innovation makes cyber GCCs key to global innovation agenda

  • About 75 per cent of cyber GCCs have a focused program for innovation
  • About 25 per cent of cyber GCCs collaborate with start-ups for innovation programs
  • About 42 per cent of cyber GCCs have cybersecurity product management and automation function
Cyber GCCs getting future ready

  • About 78 per cent of cyber GCCs are using cloud platforms for various cybersecurity functions
  • Artificial Intelligence (AI) technology is currently used by 39 per cent of cyber GCCs and 32 per cent are planning to use it
  • About 40 per cent of GCCs are supporting global agenda to address emerging technology risks and cloud security risks
Cyber GCCs enable global majors respond to the pandemic challenge

  • COVID-19 proved cyber GCCs offer resilience – 69 per cent of the GCCs took less than 24 hours to start working remotely
  • Cyber GCCs help their global offices win the stress test – 75 per cent of cyber GCCs enabled their global offices in dealing with the COVID-19 pandemic
  • About 78 per cent of cyber GCCs reported same or slightly enhanced operational efficiency of their cybersecurity team while working remotely.

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