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NASSCOM Start-up Pulse Survey – II: Indian Tech Start-ups on a Road to Recovery

“NASSCOM Start-up Pulse Survey II: Indian Tech Start-ups on a Road to Recovery” is an extension of its first Start-up Pulse Survey conducted in April –May 2020. This survey underlines the current perspectives of tech start-ups after 6 months into COVID crisis. Survey also analyses what has changed for the start-ups and what the next 6 months looks like. 

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Key Findings


  • Significant drop in loss-making start-ups since April 2020
  • Tech startups see a longer runway since start of pandemic
  •  3X - 4X rise in start-ups able to raise funds as compared to April 2020

  • Product innovation and funding availability top the list
  • Start-ups adopting multiple short and long term strategies
  • Rise in deep-tech focused solutions especially Artificial Intelligence

  • 50% start-ups expecting revenues to reach pre-COVID levels in < 6 months
  • 60% start-ups expect investments to take more than 6 months to reach pre-COVID levels
  • Start-ups to focus on innovation led intervention,  diversification and becoming Atmanirbhar

this report

  • Regular Price: Free
  • Member Price: Free

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