
Indian SaaS - The Next Big Thing


As software products move from on premise to a cloud based model, the SaaS market has seen a rapid evolution. Instant decision making, cost effectiveness, low risk, greater flexibility combined with an increasing mobile workforce and customers is driving SaaS adoption. This report presents a detailed overview of the SaaS products landscape in India and discusses key business and technology trends, drivers, and enabling ecosystem for SaaS and its sub segments.

The report also highlights and profiles cutting edge SaaS solutions and products developed by 63 Indian companies.

Key Findings

The Market

The Indian SaaS market is worth USD 407 million in FY2016E – expected to grow 3X times by FY2020.

Key Verticals

Healthcare, BFSI, eCommerce – Prominent verticals in SaaS adoption.

Growth Segments

Big players like Salesforce, SAP, Oracle, IBM and Microsoft occupy almost 50 per cent of the market.

Startup Hub

CRM, CCC and ERP solutions contribute more than 50 per cent to the SaaS market.

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