
Global Capability Centers: Best Practices


NASSCOM and KPMG partnered to institute awards for NASSCOM GCC members during the 2019 GCC Conclave. These awards were designed to showcase best practices in GCC initiatives and programs in digital transformation, innovation, learning and development and contribution to organizational excellence. This compendium has been aggregated after in-depth analysis of individual use cases to develop aggregate thematic frameworks. Illustrative organizational practices that best execute on the framework levers have been collated in the study.

Key Findings

Digital Transformation Excellence

  • Deliver disruptive, high customer impact solutions and experiences through global Tech leadership
  • Align the five core levers of digital transformation – business transformation strategy, operational strategy, cultural reorganization, technology maturity and flexibility, and tracking transformation impact
Innovation Excellence

  • Enable process transformation-led rapid-scale product/service development with empowered teams
  • Align the five core levers of innovation – corporate strategy alignment, long-term and incremental innovation strategy, self-learning teams, ecosystems and partnerships, and culture of recognition
Learning & Development Excellence

  • Create an open, honest, trustworthy, developmental organization with self-development as the core DNA
  • Align the four levers of L&D excellence – business-aligned L&D strategy, learning and skill development behaviors, partnerships with academia and industry, and industrialization of L&D impact
Organizational Excellence

  • Enable seamless data, information and goal-sharing, and earn increasing significance in global decision-making
  • Align the six levers of organizational excellence – global strategy alignment, value journey planning, building digital edge, innovating beyond visible, building future-ready L&D, and enabling local-to-global leadership

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