
Cloud as a Catalyst for Business Transformation: 2022 Trends


COVID-19 has transformed businesses in unforeseen ways. Crucial changes came in the way businesses operate and manage systems, processes, and people. One of the major avenues of disruption during these times has been the cloud. Although cloud adoption has accelerated over the past several years, it has truly emerged as a catalyst in driving business transformation amidst growing uncertainty. Cloud now plays an integral role in helping businesses bridge geographical boundaries, sustain momentum amidst lockdown scenarios and address inconsistencies in IT infrastructures. This year’s NASSCOMEY- cloud survey shows how cloud can power business transformation. 

Key Findings

Cloud transformation imperative

  • 53% organizations have increased their cloud adoption 
  • Primary drivers: Growth & Transformation, Workplace Productivity, Security & Data Privacy 
  • Healthcare (53%) & Pharma (49%) – among Top 4 sector that have increased cloud adoption 
Cloud models

  • 34% firms are on hybrid cloud model; 28% using public cloud 
  • 68% small firms indicate use of public cloud 
  • 79% are using SaaS, 52% - IaaS and 45% - PaaS 
Risks & Challenges

  • 53% large enterprises & 80% of medium enterprises acknowledge gaps in managing security risks 
  • Skills shortage: 66% firms are leveraging automation to overcome skills gap 

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