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Finovate - Future of Financial Services

India is amongst the fastest growing FinTech markets in the world. Digital payments value of $65 bn in 2019 is expected to grow at a CAGR of 20% till 2023. India ranked the highest…

Demystifying FOREX Risk Management for IT Industries

Due to recent unstable global outlook, organizations are increasingly aware of fluctuations in economic and financial variables such as interest rates, exchange rates, and commodity prices…

Emotional Intelligence for Inclusion

Diverse workplaces require us to think outside of our cultural boxes and encourage the same skills that emotional intelligence promotes. Emotional Intelligence is a key pillar of diversity…

Tools for Remote Working

The dust has barely settled after the move from office to home. We’re all facing different remote work situations. But the HR leaders and front-line managers are facing numerous challenges…

Cybersecurity – Today, Tomorrow and the Day After

The global cyber threat landscape continues to evolve at a rapid pace. The number and type of cyberattacks is only increasing each year. Ever-more sophisticated cyberattacks involving…

Future of AI in Healthcare

This Tech Series is jointly hosted by NASSCOM and TietoEVRY. The Tech Series will have a keynote by Srinivas Iyengar, Head of Healthcare & Insurance - International business, TietoEVRY…

Emerging Technologies, Investment and Business opportunities in UK

The pandemic has significantly altered the traditional economic and business order. In last few months, the industry has re-evaluated business strategy, re-set key priorities and…

How OTA is Driving the Future of Smart Mobility

By 2025, a vast majority of vehicles on the road will be connected and we will have a growing number of in-vehicle systems dependent on over 100 million lines of software code. Further,…