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Unlocking the Potential of Revenues Through Investment Planning

Healthy financial modelling is the key to a SMEs existence and growth. More often than not, small businesses struggle to manage working capitals because the investment planning is either…

3 Countries Virtual Business & Investment Opportunity Program to Africa

As per tech experts whoever overlooks Africa is missing out on a digitally connected population that has used technology to address many challenges and is eager to do more. Areas like …

Emerging Technologies, Investment and Business opportunities in UK

The pandemic has significantly altered the traditional economic and business order. In last few months, the industry has re-evaluated business strategy, re-set key priorities and…

Overlooked software potential in Automotive ECUs - Breaking the current shackles of…

NASSCOM is inviting you to join a webinar on "Overlooked software potential in Automotive ECUs - Breaking the current shackles of Autonomous Driving disruption" The philosophy of Hardware…

NASSCOM Everest BPM Landscape Report Launch

In the past two decades the BPM industry successfully evolved in terms of value proposition and associated levers to meet changing business requirements leading to increased global adoption…

NASSCOM Fintech Week-Day 2- Digital Money Confluence

Bringing together the sharpest minds from leading Fintech and BFSI organizations, NASSCOM Wester Region is delighted to invite you to Fintech Week scheduled from 27-29 January 2021. There…

Future Skills Webinar-Cybersecurity

In the current pandemic situation where 'work from home' is a reality for most and Digital services are on the rise, threat of cyber-attacks has intensified significantly. Cyber Security…