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A Guide to Build Your Minimum Viable Product (MVP)

In this 60 min session you will explore (Agenda) How to validate your product idea before making huge time & resource investments Understand the step by step process to building an MVP…

Essentials of Cloud Computing

From storage of data to execution of services, it seems everything is happening on cloud these days. But what exactly is Cloud Computing? In simple words, Cloud is a place at the other end…

Masterclass on Intellectual Property

Intellectual Property is today an integral part of business strategy across the world. It not only provides business and competitive advantages to businesses, but also enhances financial…

NASSCOM ER&D: Navigating COVID 19 Crisis and emerging stronger- BCP

Since the early months of last year, the entire world including India has been experiencing an unprecedented health emergency in the form of Covid 19.Besides having tremendous human and…

Bridge to the Future

The world of the workplace has already been going through enormous changes much before this unprecedented pandemic upended it only to accelerate it beyond recognition. Even in normal times…

Corporate Culture and its benefits

The session will focus on the importance of Corporate Culture/Etiquette. New joiners to an organization or job aspirants struggle to navigate their first organization due to their lack of…

How to Grow Your Business to 10X by Building a Mobile App

There used to be a time when building a mobile app was only feasible for big players and industry giants. Those days are over. Today, it’s become much easier and accessible for smaller…

Unraveling Cloud Computing for Everyday Business

Everyone uses the term "Digital Transformation" but the majority still finds it as an alien word. In this cloud computing unravelling session, we will showcase how complex business…