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Effective Teamwork & Collaboration

Are you curious about the tangible benefits that 'Working as a Team' can offer you as a student? Working as a team & collaborating with others can help you develop essential…

NASTech 2021

NASSCOM-NRI Report - Japanese investments into Indian IT

We cordially invite you for the Report launch ceremony on 29th October from 3:00 pm - 4:30 pm JST/11:30 am - 1:00 pm IST being organized in partnership with Embassy of India, Japan, JETRO…

India Showcase at CEATEC Japan

We are glad to inform you that NASSCOM will be participating in CEATEC from October 19 to 22, 2021. The event is taking place in online mode this year like last year which was attended by…

NASSCOM Virtual US Week

NASSCOM Virtual U.S. Week is designed to provide a hands-on understanding of the U.S. market for the Indian technology companies looking to set up or expand their commercial operations in…