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Positive Selling: The Best A Salesperson Can Get

Friday, March 13th, 2020
Saturday, March 14th, 2020
Time: 09:00 pm - 12:30 am

AltAir Boutique Hotel, Sector V, Salt lake, Kolkata

 Positive Selling: The Best A Salesperson Can Get

No, it is not curiosity that kills a salesperson. Negativity does. Negativity derived out of stress from non-achievement of quotas, growing client demands, technology disruptions, irresponsible bosses, poor social support systems, long work hours, and job insecurity. Negativity has adverse impact on sales productivity that remains to be of significant concern for organisations.

Traditional drivers to improve sales productivity are sceptical in their form and use. They start with what is wrong with salesperson and how to fix them. In this non-linear world, we need complementary and constructive drivers. The ones that say what is good in salesperson and how can they be nurtured. Drawn from positive psychology this session introduces to such constructive drivers that helps salesperson discover their strengths, improve their grit and resilience and develop a growth mindset and remain in flow. You may be a salesperson, an entrepreneur or marketing/sales head. You will benefit from the session and improve your productivity. After this session, when you meet your stakeholders, we expect you to have learnt and applied few tools that help you grow positive in selling.