
NTT DATA - Session on Automation - The Future Ahead

Friday, January 15th, 2016
Time: 03:00 pm - 06:00 pm

Hotel Crowne Plaza

  • Imagining a world where computers take over mankind gives way for a great movie plot, but think about it - how unaffected are we when cognitive computing combined with artificial intelligence continues to grow.
  • Sensors, connectivity and cloud in the world of IoT is already rendering a field engineer's job obsolete..
  • How cushioned is the industry to ensure that our large "thinking" workforce we have built could tide over this impact, upskill and remain relevant?
  • Automation can be seen in two ways – one that threatens the very thread upon which the IT fabric was built! Workforce.
  • With shared learning in an eco-space that has always been high on knowledge sharing and collaboration, there's also a powerful opportunity that we can build upon, explore the power of automation and build it to our advantage.
  • As the Indian IT service provider’s transition from a 'Labor Based Business" to "Value Based Business", what's the role of Automation? What does the future of Automation look like?
  • What is the right ecosystem needed? What do large IT organizations, captives and GICs suggest on building the right expertise in the field of automation?
  •  What's the impact on our workforce, what do IT Service providers need to do to address this and make our workforce "Future Ready"? Could we think of disruptive ideas that ensures value while keeping the large talent pool upskilled and relevant?