
HealthTech Unconference - Combating Covid-19 through technology

Friday, May 1st, 2020
Time: 03:30 pm - 05:30 pm


Attend & Learn | Nominate & Vote for Speakers | Sponsor & Support

There is no event or incident in recent times which has shaken the foundations of every field of business, disturbed every aspect of human life and challenged the healthcare systems across the world. COVID-19 has created such unprecedented disruption across the developed and developing nations of the world, irrespective of rich or poor, in a manner that they are humbled with the same level of disbelief, dismay and helplessness.

Undoubtedly, every innovative mind across multiple spectrums of businesses have come forward with frugal innovations to support the mammoth combat that has been launched by governments and healthcare professionals across the world. While the social media is abuzz with sporadic individual examples making it to the headlines, there is a pressing need for a more comprehensive understanding of the possibilities and opportunities to trace, contain, monitor, detect, test, treat and cure the infected patients and suspected cases.

NASSCOM is happy to present a very unique live web event HealthTech Unconference on the current and very contentious topic Combating COVID-19 through Technology.

This event has been conceived with an entirely unique format and through a massive collaboration approach.

Attend & Learn

A unique opportunity to choose what you want to learn, when you are participating in the webinar. A completely federated approach based on the participants expectations. Through this process you also bring to the table, the most contentious and relevant topics for discussion.

Nominate & Vote

Great opportunity for the experts to share their knowledge and guidance to the community. While registering for the event, you may suggest a topic and nominate yourself or anyone else as a speaker. The topics are available for voting by the rest of the participants. Top rated topics along with the speaker will be finally chosen to deliver the session. Please note that, in addition to nominated topics, a few sessions will be fixed by the organizing team to get some prominent professionals to address the participants.

Sponsor & Support

Please reach out to to explore opportunities to sponsor or partner with the NASSCOM Healthcare Initiative.