
Germanic and France region delegation

Monday, June 24th, 2019
Sunday, June 30th, 2019
Time: 03:00 pm - 12:00 am

Germanic and France

NASSCOM is initiating its sustained campaign to curate program for Germanic (covering Germany, Austria and Switzerland) and French market. This region has immense market potential for Indian IT companies (including ER&D - digital) and is third largest market for the industry with potential for lot more. With multitude of drivers such as - convergence era where hardware & software lines are getting blurred, with manufacturing sector embracing I4.0 initiatives and many manufacturing companies from the region relying on engineering talent from outside of Europe there is great demand of Indian talent and innovative companies. To tap into this demand and popular trend we intend to create an outreach effort that enhances industry's branding and reach with Mittlestand companies from the region.

In line with the objective, we are organizing a multi-country (Germany and France) and multi-city roadshow for our companies in the region from June 24th - June 29th. The initiative aims to explore new business and "co-create" opportunities for Indian tech companies with Germanic and French companies in the areas of ER&D, IOT/AI and I4.0.

While the detailed program is in works, here are the tentative program schedule with key highlights: