Thursday, May 14th,
09:30 pm
- 10:30 pm
NASSCOM Engineering R&D is inviting you to join a webinar on "Disruptive Architectural Changes - NxtGen Connected Vehicles" on 14th May 2020, Thursday at 4:00PM - 5:00 PM IST .
The automotive industry is in the midst of a technology transformation. In this scenario, while we are currently standing at the beginning of this transformation; navigation, tracking, infotainment has taken a paradigm shift due to enhanced digitization, huge electrification and reduced platform life for automotive products.
Connectivity is enabling increased software components in the vehicles, and further forming the basis of automated vehicles, future safety technologies, and holistic systems. These dramatic changes in autonomous vehicles witnesses a drastic increase in the threat surface area where constant updates and securing systems from various threats and vulnerabilities becomes one of paramount importance.
In this session, look forward to learn: