Saturday, February 11th,
09:30 am
- 02:00 pm
Novotel, Chamiers Road, Chennai
Imagine what happens when sales are down for a week, month, quarter.
Now Imagine what happens when sales are growing consistently.
Sales create joy, fuel growth, and define an organization's Lifeline. Isn't it?
Current times offer both a challenge and an opportunity in Sales.
If you are keen to become a trusted advisor and create predictable sales, this
workshop is for you.
Based on the books The Ultimate Sales Accelerator & Small is Big, this Workshop unveils three sutras(principles) and incorporates experiential exercises to deepen learning for each sutra. To foster deep experiential learning, around 40% time would be used in live exercises, discussions, and interactions.
Key takeaways/outcomes of this session
Who is this Session for