
Amplifying PRIDE

Friday, April 12th, 2019
Time: 08:00 pm - 11:00 pm

HSBC Hexagon Building, Hitech City

Ensuring an inclusive environment for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) employees across the globe is a key and integral part of Diversity & Inclusion strategy for organizations. It is clear that organizations are stepping up their efforts to create an Inclusive Workforce. However, formulating policies and regulations is an area that needs to be addressed organically keeping in mind what works best with each organization.

With the Supreme Court of India decriminalizing Sec 377, there is greater confidence among organization to internally drive the LGBTQ+ inclusion agenda with renewed vigor.

LGBTQ+ employees, whether out or closeted hope for a workplace that is free from discrimination, harassment so that they could be their most productive selves without having to worry about being judged for who they are and missing out on Equal Opportunities.

With this backdrop, NASSCOM in collaboration with HSBC invites you to be part of the session - “Amplifying PRIDE” on how to celebrate diversity, understand the nuances of inclusive leadership, questioning status quo of current thinking, identifying solutions and best practices and reflect back on the many challenges and victories of the LGBTQ+ community over time.