The Deep Tech Story

Nasscom Product Connect has now transformed to nasscom deep tech signifying a powerful transition that mirrors our evolution and reaffirms our commitment to the world of deep tech. This change is an exciting development that reflects the industry's commitment to driving deep tech innovation and growth in the Indian technology sector. Delving into the realms of deep tech, this ambitious move aims to drive the development of deep tech products across the Indian IT ecosystem and enable it to compete on a global scale.

Patient capital, understanding of the technology, and timing are the most critical elements of deep tech financing. Investors in this domain need to have a strong understanding of deep tech, so they can truly appreciate its lifecycle and support the startups with a co-creation mindset. Academia and corporates will act as enablers in providing research guidance and opportunities for commercialization of products and services. And finally active support from the government in providing regulatory support and ease of doing business becomes equally important for the sector’s growth in India.

The Nasscom Deep Tech Council is actively collaborating with the industry to orchestrate the convergence of the ecosystem, establishing a structured avenue for the provision of patient capital support to deep tech startups. This concerted effort holds paramount significance for both parties, as it bolsters the deep tech ecosystem and solidifies the industry’s position as trailblazers in championing the Indian deep tech revolution.

Key Focus Areas Of Nasscom Deep Tech

Product & Deep Tech Skills
  • Product Skills

    With the vision to create 50,000 product managers by 2025, Nasscom ProductSkills (NPS) focuses on addressing this need through upskilling & reskilling core product management skills, mentorship, and creation of an open product network. With 110+ volunteers from the industry, NPS has created product management frameworks, defined learning pathways - beginners (PM101), intermediate (PM201) and advanced (PM301), launched the PM mentorship program & built a vibrant product management community.

  • Deep Tech Skills
Deep Tech Market Access
  • Academia
  • Government
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Deep Tech Council