
nasscom in partnership with Deloitte, is dedicated to recognizing and celebrating women's pivotal roles in technology. Through the Women in Tech Awards, we aim to inspire more women to pursue careers in tech, fostering diversity, equity, and inclusion.

Join us in empowering trailblazing women and creating impactful role models for future generations in technology.

About the Awards

nasscom's Women in Tech Awards, a groundbreaking initiative, celebrates and honors women in tech, bridging gender gaps in the Indian market. Recognizing outstanding contributions, the awards foster mentorship, empowering women to thrive in technology careers.

Join us in shaping a future where diversity, equity, and inclusion define the tech landscape.

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Instructions for Participation
  • All technology and non-technology companies (HQ in India or MNCs having offices in India), irrespective of their specialization or scale, can apply and showcase their innovations, initiatives, and transformative contributions.
  • Only applications submitted by the organisations will be considered. Even for individuals who wish to participate, the organisation must nominate them.
  • There are three distinct categories that an organisation can apply for: Organization, Individual Leader, and Innovators.
  • Each organisation can submit up to two nominations per category.
  • Awards are open to nasscom members and non-members.
  • There is no participation fee for the awards.
Award Categories
  • gamechangeher
    Innovators: Breakers of the glass ceiling
    An Award celebrating women who have revolutionized the Tech landscape through their game-changing products, solutions, or innovations.
    Are you someone who has created a game-changing technological marvel?

    If you or someone you know has developed a groundbreaking technology, apply for this prestigious recognition. Awardees join an industry-wide study and feature in an exclusive coffee table book, showcasing the impact of their innovation.

  • LeadHER
    Leaders: Inclusion champions
    An Award for leaders including male allies who lead tech teams, departments or entire companies, and have gone above & beyond to help women create a tangible impact on the ecosystem.
    Are you a visionary LeadHER?

    Nominate yourself or others for our Women in Tech Leadership Awards. Be part of a transformative movement, contribute to an industry study, and receive recognition in an exclusive coffee table book celebrating impactful leadership in advancing women in technology.

  • PropelHER
    Catalysts: The most inclusive organisations
    An Award celebrating organizations that have propelled Women in Tech to new heights
    Are you an organization that is committed to diversity, equity and inclusion of women in Tech?

    Apply for the Women in Tech Awards to not only gain recognition but also be part of a groundbreaking industry-wide study. Your remarkable achievements could be featured in an exclusive coffee table book, showcasing your dedication to propelling and celebrating women's contributions in the dynamic world of technology.

How to Apply
Instructions to Fill the Nomination Form(s)
About the Participation Format
  • Part 1: Survey form to be filled.
  • Part 2: Case study template to be filled. All the details given in the template needs to be filled and to be shared over email to wit@nasscom.in. Collaterals if required can be submitted separately.
  • You can apply across all/any categories; a maximum of only TWO nominations will be accepted across each category.

The nomination will be considered complete only after the submission of the online form and the case study.

Last Date of Submission: 10th July, 2024

Disclaimer: Please note that any company-specific data provided will remain confidential and will not be published without explicit permission. Individual approvals will be taken from the applicants if they are selected to feature in the coffee table book.

Frequently Asked Questions
  • What is the purpose of these awards?
    The Women in Tech Awards, presented by nasscom, have a two-fold purpose. Firstly, they seek to bring a significant transformation by inspiring women to pursue careers in technology, thereby addressing the existing gender disparity in the Indian market. Secondly, these awards aim to honor and celebrate the groundbreaking contributions of both organizations and individuals in the tech industry. The overarching objective is to cultivate an environment characterized by gender diversity, equity, and inclusivity.
  • Who is eligible to apply or be nominated for the awards?
    The eligibility criteria for these awards are inclusive, covering a broad spectrum and welcoming technology entities of different sizes in terms of both employee base and revenues. All companies, regardless of their specialization or scale in the technology and non-technology sectors, are encouraged to participate and highlight their innovations, initiatives, and transformative contributions in technology.
    • The awards are open to technology organisations including - IT Services (ITS), Business Process Management (BPM), Engineering Research and Development (ER&D), Software Product Development (SPD), Global Capability Centres (GCCs), Startups, and Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs).
    • The awards are open to non-technology sectors such as Banking, Financial Services, and Insurance (BFSI), Fast Moving Consumer Goods (FMCG), Healthcare, Retail, Real Estate, Hospitality, Transportation and Logistics, Energy, Education, and Automotive, among others.
  • How can I nominate someone for the Women in Tech Awards?
    The survey is open to all organizations who have exceptional examples of women in tech arena to showcase as part of the award. There are three award categories one of them is for organisation nomination while the other two are for individual nomination. The organisation needs to fill in the survey link and submit relevant case examples using the case study template to nominate across any of the categories.
  • What are the different award categories?
    The awards will be decided under three distinct categories:
    • Innovators: Breakers of the glass ceiling
    • Leaders: Inclusion champions
    • Catalysts: The most inclusive organisations
    For more details click here.
  • Can we apply for all three categories?
    Yes, organizations can apply across all categories. For the individual nomination categories the maximum number of limit is two nominations per category, and these have to come from the organisation and not the individual.
  • How many nominations are permitted per category?
    Each company is permitted to submit up to two nominations for the individual nomination category. While only one nomination is permitted per company for the organizational level category.
  • What is the selection process?
    All the nominations will be internally evaluated on specific measurable metrics. The shortlisted nominations will then be evaluated by the external jury who will make the final decision on the awards.
  • Can I nominate myself for an award?
    Regrettably, we are currently not accepting individual nominations. However, your organisation can nominate you. Kindly ensure that your manager/team lead/ or any other relevant stakeholder from your organization submits the application.
  • What is the deadline for submissions?
    The last date for submission of survey and case study is 10th July, 2024.
  • Is there a fee associated with the nomination process?
    The nomination process is free of charge, ensuring accessibility for all eligible entities.
  • What is the timeline for the awards process?
    The awards will be decided three months after the submissions close.
  • How are the winners recognized and awarded?
    The winners will be recognized on a nasscom platform and the details of the winners will be hosted on the nasscom website. Winners will also be featured in the coffee table book that will be published by nasscom.
  • Can I contact the organizers if I have questions?
    You may reach out to us for any questions or queries at Wit@nasscom.in. We look forward to hearing from you.
  • Can I make changes in the submitted form?
    You can do it within the last date of submission by writing to us on Wit@nasscom.in, and we will help you.
  • How will the data shared be used?
    All responses and data received will be kept confidential and will only be used as an aggregate industry data for analysis.