NASSCOM | Workshop Artificial Intelligence Machine Learning IOT | How Artificial Intelligence & IOT are re-shaping Businesses across Industries ?
Explore the game-changers in AI & IoT solutions
There is a "fourth industrial revolution" unfolding, as the Internet of Things (IoT) continues to pick up speed. According to a leading consulting agency's prediction, up to 40% of today's F500 companies on the S&P 500 will no longer exist in 10 years. The Internet of Things provides us with lots of sensor data. However, the data by themselves do not provide value unless we can turn them into actionable, contextualized information. Artificial Intelligence provides us the framework and tools to go beyond trivial real-time decision and automation use cases for IoT
Central concepts and techniques in Aritificial Intelligence | Rational agents | Data Science | Feature engineering
30 Nov 2018, Bangalore

Let's look at what differentiates a good model from a bad model,
such as in systems that comprise a large number of sensors
(such as in autonomous vehicles).
Amol Dhondse
Amol Dhondse
IBM Senior Certified Solution Architect
Open Group Master Certified Architect TOGAF Certified Senior IT Architect

IBM Master Inventor and filed more than 40 patents in areas such as Cognitive, Artificial Intelligence, Cloud, Big Data and the Internet of Things (IoT)
10 mins
Introduce Role of Rational agents as game-changers in Artificial Intelligence and IoT solutions: which perceive their environment through sensors and acts upon that environment via actuators. The most appropriate action depends on not only the performance criterion defined for the agent, but also on the agent's prior knowledge of the environment, the sequence of observations the agent has made in the past and the choice of actions that an agent can perform
45 mins
Tea Break
10 mins
Data Science and Feature engineering for AI & IoT: such as working with Time series data (using models like ARIMA) where we consider a range of technologies relevant to IoT including LSTMs, as well as Differences between traditional datasets and IoT Datasets include processing of noise, skew etc. We look at what differentiates a good model from a bad model, such as in systems that comprise a large number of sensors (such as in autonomous vehicles).
45 mins
Q & A
10 mins
Free Workshop, limited to 100 participants on a first-come-first basis
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Date: 30 Nov, 2018
Time: 03:00PM to 05:00PM
VENUE: NASSCOM 10,000 Startup Warehouse Diamond District, Old Airport Road,
Bangalore - 560008