Print2b Tech
Print2b Tech
  • Problem Statement

    In today's digital era, reliance on centralized systems with traditional databases hampers document verification, introducing complexities and delays. Digital document usage has become pervasive, but the dependence on a single authority for verification remains slow and inefficient. Document and record fraud pose significant challenges, leading to financial losses. Current methods lack foolproof trust infrastructure, often relying on laborious manual processes. A more efficient and secure digital document issuance system is essential to address these challenges and enhance trust in the digital landscape.

    Product Name:

    Co-Founders: Joji Varghese, Founder and CEO; Vignesh Babu, Co-Founder and Head - Technology


  • Product Innovation

    Print2Block, a Web3.0 startup, addresses real-world challenges with Deep Tech solutions. Their blockchain-based product,, and advanced USB hardware device for issuing Digital Documents create a secure, verifiable platform for records. DocChain ensures instantaneous verification, immutable trust, elimination of intermediaries, privacy compliance, and scalability. With over 58 million documents generated, including 37 million Covid-19 test certificates in Maharashtra, Print2Block's innovative approach combines blockchain's security with internet openness, giving them a competitive edge in document verification and authenticity assurance.

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