  • Problem Statement

    As per Gartner, APIs are the largest attack vector. Current AppSec products don't have the necessary application context and can't differentiate if they are protecting a bank, fintech, healthcare or a marketplace!! Complex API based business logic exploits are blind spots for these products. The problem is so complex that large tech companies like MS, Google, AWS, FB, Uber, Apple etc are facing repeated API breaches.

    Product Name: AppSentinels API Security Platform

    Co-Founders: Puneet Tutliani, CEO; Deepak Kushwaha; Mohit Joshi, CDO


  • Product Innovation

    AppSentinels provides a revolutionary platform with deep white-box insights into applications, discovering APIs, PII/Sensitive data, and providing real-time risk scores. It acts as a 24x7 pen-tester, integrating security testing into the CI/CD cycle for proactive security. The Intelligent Stateful API DAST blocks known and unknown attacks, offering pinpointed remediation for developers and insights for security teams. The platform ensures rapid onboarding, supporting SaaS or on-prem deployment, fostering collaboration between product and sec-ops teams for comprehensive API security.

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