XYMA Analytics
Category: Sustainability
XYMA Analytics
  • Nishanth Raja

    & CEO

  • Aswin Kumar Kathirvel
    Aswin Kumar

    & CTO

  • Krishnan Balasubramanian



Offering innovative, hot-junction-free waveguide sensors for accurate high-temperature industrial IoT.

  • Problem Statement

    Continuous temperature monitoring in high-temperature processes is hindered by sensor issues. Traditional sensors like thermocouples and pyrometers are bulky, prone to drift and hot junction failure, causing frequent manual intervention, limited data, and reduced process efficiency.

    Product Innovation

    XYMA Analytics' innovative sensors offer a reliable solution to enhance industrial temperature monitoring. Their waveguide-based sensors provide a reliable, multi-point measurement solution without vulnerable hot junctions in high temperatures. Enhanced with advanced signal processing, these sensors ensure precise temperature measurements in challenging environments, enabling continuous monitoring of molten metals and ore melts.

    Product: µTMapS (Multi-point Temperature Mapping sensor)

    Website: https://xyma.in/

    Year of Incorporation: 2019

  • Unique Proposition and Impact

    XYMA Analytics, rooted in IIT-Madras expertise, revolutionizes high-temperature industries with robust, multi-parameter sensors, democratizing process efficiency and enabling data-driven decision-making. Their unique proposition lies in patented ultrasonic waveguide technology, integrated with industrial IoT & indigenous product components, serving critical measurements across sectors. Adaptable waveguide materials and structures ensure widespread use, validated in petrochemical, metals, glass, and semiconductor industries, guaranteeing competitive pricing and protection.

    Way Forward

    XYMA Analytics' growth plan focuses on addressing automated temperature measurement gaps in the aluminium smelting industry with their innovative sensor. The strategy involves evolving this solution into a plug-and-play offering applicable across the sector, tailoring solutions to diverse use cases, implementing multiple calibrations in decentralized manufacturing facilities, and ensuring effective service to industries in different geographical regions.

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