Responsible AI for CXOs: Making Expectations Real

The nasscom Responsible AI Hub hosted an industry roundtable on Responsible AI for CXOs - Making Expectations Real at the nasscom Generative AI Confluence on 19th October 2023. The roundtable brought together AI leaders to discuss the key metrics and measures for CXOs to meet responsible AI compliance.

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Responsible AI: Governance, Risk, and Compliance
Responsible AI: Governance, Risk, and Compliance
Responsible AI: Governance, Risk, and Compliance

The nasscom Responsible AI Hub hosted an industry panel discussion on Responsible AI: Governance, Risk, and Compliance at the nasscom Generative AI Confluence on 19th October 2023. The panel brought together AI leaders to discuss the present and future of AI governance.

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The Future and Ethics of Generative AI

The nasscom Responsible AI Hub hosted an industry roundtable on The Future and Ethics of Generative AI at the Nasscom Annual Technology Summit in New Delhi on 22nd August, 2023. The roundtable brought together leading technology and public policy experts to exchange perspectives on a range of emerging considerations that would shape the future of generative AI (or GenAI).

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The Future and Ethics of Generative AI
Investment and IP Creation in Generative AI Startups
Investment and IP Creation in Generative AI Startups, Hyderabad Chapter

nasscom AI, in collaboration with Telangana AI Mission, hosted a second industry roundtable on Investment and IP Creation in Generative AI Startups in Hyderabad on 7th July 2023.Generative AI Startups in Hyderabad on 7th July 2023. This was the second in the series of roundtables on this topic; the first was hosted in Bengaluru on 20th June 2023

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Data Protection in Traditional AI & Generative AI

The nasscom Responsible AI Hub, in collaboration with Telangana AI Mission and Capgemini, hosted a multi-stakeholder roundtable on Data Protection in Traditional AI & Generative AI in Hyderabad on 7th July 2023.

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Data Protection in Traditional AI & Generative AI
Implications of Generative AI for BPM
Implications of Generative AI for BPM

The nasscom Responsible AI Hub, in collaboration with nasscom Member Connect, hosted an industry panel discussion on Implications of Generative AI for BPM on 23rd June 2023. The roundtable discussion brought together leading industry voices to exchange insights on the generative AI (or GenAI) adoption trends in the BPM sector.

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Investment and IP Creation in Generative AI Startups, Bengaluru Chapter

nasscom AI, in collaboration with Telangana AI Mission and nasscom 10000 Startups, hosted an industry roundtable on Investment and IP Creation in Generative AI Startups in Bengaluru on 20th June 2023.
The roundtable brought together a good mix of generative AI start-up founders, investors, and CXOs from leading technology enterprises to exchange perspectives on a range of emerging.

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Investment and IP Creation in Generative AI Startups
The Human Value in Generative AI
The Human Value in Generative AI

The nasscom Responsible AI Hub hosted an industry roundtable on The Human Value in Generative AI at the 13th edition of the nasscom GCC Conclave in Bengaluru on 2nd June 2023.
The roundtable discussion focused on the need and pathways for stakeholders to align generative AI (or GenAI) adoption with positive human values.

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Harnessing Generative AI Responsibly

The nasscom Responsible AI Hub, in collaboration with Target in India, hosted an industry roundtable on Harnessing Generative AI Responsibly in Bengaluru on 7th June 2023. The roundtable brought together industry leaders to exchange perspectives on emergent issues in responsible development and use of generative AI (or GenAI) technologies.

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Harnessing Generative AI Responsibly
The Impact of Generative AI on Business
The Impact of Generative AI on Business

The recent fast-paced developments in generative artificial intelligence (or GenAI) have created unprecedented opportunities for industrial transformation, while raising serious ethical and legal concerns around its adoption across sectors.
The nasscom Responsible AI Hub, in collaboration with the nasscom Member Connect, hosted an industry roundtable on The Impact of Generative AI on Business on 12th May 2023.

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